- Classical uncertainty relations and entropy production in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
Paolo Muratore-Ginanneschi and Luca Peliti
arXiv:2302.08290 PDF
- Risk-utility tradeoff shapes memory strategies for evolving patterns
Oskar H Schnaack, Luca Peliti, and Armita Nourmohammad
PDF arXiv:2110.15008
- How long does a lockdown need to be?
Mariano Cadoni, Giuseppe Gaeta, 2020
arXiv:2004.11633 PDF
- Asymptomatic infectives and R0 for COVID
Giuseppe Gaeta, 2020
arXiv:2003.14098 PDF
- Data Analysis for the COVID-19 early dynamics in Northern Italy. The effect of first restrictive measures
Giuseppe Gaeta, 2020
arXiv:2003.03775 PDF
- Data analysis for the COVID-19 early dynamics in Northern Italy
Giuseppe Gaeta, 2020
arXiv:2003.02062 PDF
- Evolution and Probability
L. Peliti, 2019
arXiv:1901.01560 PDF
- Fibonacci and Lucas numbers
Luca Peliti, PDF
- Problems and Solutions in
Statistical Mechanics
Luca Peliti, PDF
- Lecture Notes on
Nonequilibrium Fluctuations
L. Peliti
Lectures given at the Workshop "Theoretical Methods for
Studying Nonequilibrium Fluctuations",
Orsay (France), June 8-9, 2017 PDF
Statistical Mechanics in a Nutshell, Second Edition
Luca Peliti
Princeton University Press 2024
ISBN: 9780691248424
Stochastic Thermodynamics: An Introduction
Luca Peliti and Simone Pigolotti
Princeton University Press 2021
ISBN: 9780691201771
A. Einstein, Scritti di meccanica statistica
A cura di M. Badino. Traduzione di L. Peliti.
Book Time, Melquiades, Bologna 2018
ISBN-10: 886218719X
Lectures on Hyperhamiltonian Dynamics and Physical
G. Gaeta and M.A. Rodriguez
Springer (Mathematical Physics Studies) 2017
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-54358-1
- Fluctuation relations and fitness in cell populations
L. Peliti, 2nd Biology for Physics Conference, Barcelona, July 7, 2022 link
- Transient compartmentalization and the error catastrophe
L. Peliti, Casa Matemática Oaxaca, August 21, 2019 link
- Lectures on Stochastic Thermodynamics and Thermodynamics of Information
L. Peliti, SISSA (Trieste) April-May 2018 link
- Einstein's approach to statistical mechanics
Luca Peliti, SISSA, May 30, 2018
- Selection Dynamics in Transient Compartmentalization
Luca Peliti, OIST Okinawa, February 9, 2018
- Symmetry of stochastic differential equations
Giuseppe Gaeta, Trieste, January 2018
Lectures on Population Genetics and Evolution
Luca Peliti, ICTS Bangalore, December 2017
- On the value of acquired
information in gambling, thermodynamics and population
Luca Peliti, NORDITA, Stockholm, September 11, 2017
- Innovation vs. improvement in
eco-evolutionary dynamics
Luca Peliti, Kreyon Conference, Roma, September 6,
2017 PDF
- On the integration of Ito equations with a random or a W-symmetry
Giuseppe Gaeta
J. Math. Phys. 64 123504 (2023) PDF
- A review on octupolar tensors
Giuseppe Gaeta and Epifanio G. Virga
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56 363001 (2023) PDF
- Termodinamica stocastica: l'ordine nelle fluttuazioni (in Italian)
L. Peliti,
Ithaca: Viaggio nella Scienza 23A 73-90 (2024) PDF
- Emergent cooperative behavior in transient compartments
Jeferson J. Arenzon and Luca Peliti
Phys. Rev. E 108 034409 (2023) PDF
- Integrable Ito equations and properties of the associated Fokker-Planck equations
Giuseppe Gaeta, Miguel Angel Rodriguez
arXiv:2305.15831 Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics Volume 3 (June 21, 2023) ocnmp:11380 PDF
- Integrable Ito equations with multiple noises
Giuseppe Gaeta, Miguel Angel Rodriguez
arXiv:2211.02977 Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics Volume 2 (November 25, 2022) ocnmp:10275 PDF
- Cell lineage statistics with incomplete population trees
Arthur Genthon, Takashi Nozoe, Luca Peliti, David Lacoste
PRX Life 1 013014 (2023) PDF
- R. Fürth's 1933 paper "On certain relations between classical Statistics and Quantum Mechanics"
["Über einige Beziehungen zwischen klassischer Statistik und Quantenmechanik", Zeitschrift für Physik, 83 143-162]
Luca Peliti, Paolo Muratore-Ginanneschi
Eur. Phys. J. H (2023) 48:4 PDF
- Fluctuations of Heat in Driven Two-State Systems: Application to Single-Electron Box with Superconducting Gap
Tuomas Pyhäranta, Luca Peliti, Jukka P. Pekola
Phys. Rev. E 107, 054113 (2023) PDF
- Adaptive strategy in Kelly's horse races model
Armand Despons, David Lacoste, Luca Peliti
J. Stat. Mech. 2022 093405 PDF
Frequency-frequency correlations of single-trajectory spectral densities of Gaussian processes
Alessio Squarcini, Enzo Marinari, Gleb Oshanin, Luca Peliti, Lamberto Rondoni
New Journal of Physics 24 093031 (2022) PDF
- Symmetry classification of scalar autonomous Ito stochastic differential equations with simple noise
G. Gaeta and M. A. Rodríguez
Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 2 53-101 (2022) PDF
- Noise-to-signal ratio of single-trajectory spectral densities in centered Gaussian processes
Alessio Squarcini, Enzo Marinari, Gleb Oshanin, Luca Peliti, Lamberto Rondoni
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 405001 (2022) PDF
- Spectral fingerprints of non-equilibrium dynamics: The case of a Brownian gyrator
S. Cerasoli, S. Ciliberto, E. Marinari, G. Oshanin, L. Peliti, L. Rondoni
Phys. Rev. E 106, 014137 (2022) PDF
- Learning and organization of memory for evolving patterns
Oskar H Schnaack, Luca Peliti, and Armita Nourmohammad
Phys. Rev. X 12, 021063 (2022) PDF
- Il valore dell'informazione (in Italian)
L. Peliti
Ithaca: Viaggio nella Scienza XIX 169-180 (2022) PDF
- Asymptotic symmetry and asymptotic solutions to Ito stochastic differential equations
G. Gaeta, R. Kozlov and F. Spadaro
Math. in Engin. 4 (2022) 1-52 arXiv:2110.00670 PDF
- Near-resonances and detuning in classical and quantum mechanics
G. Gaeta and G. Pucacco
Math. in Engin. 5 (2022) 1-44
- Mass vaccination in a roaring pandemic
Giuseppe Gaeta
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 156 (2022) 111786 arXiv:2109.09143 PDF
- Symmetry of the isotropic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in a force field
Giuseppe Gaeta
Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 1 (2021) 128-163 arXiv:2106.00310 PDF
- Evoluzione e probabilità (in Italian)
L. Peliti,
Ithaca: Viaggio nella Scienza XVIII 73-84 (2021) PDF
- Higher order normal modes
Giuseppe Gaeta, Sebastian Walcher
J. Geom. Mech. 12 (2020) 421-434 PDF
- Symmetry classification of scalar Ito equations with multiplicative noise
Giuseppe Gaeta, Francesco Spadaro
J. Nonlin. Math. Phys. 27 (2020) 679-687 PDF
- On the Geometry of Twisted Symmetries: Gauging and Coverings
D. Catalano Ferraioli, G. Gaeta
J. Geom. Phys. 151 (2020) 103620 PDF
- Social distancing versus early detection and contacts tracing in epidemic management
Giuseppe Gaeta
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 140 (2020) 110074
- Size and timescale of epidemics in the SIR framework
Mariano Cadoni and Giuseppe Gaeta
Physica D 411 (2020) 132626
- A simple SIR model with a large set of asymptomatic infectives
Giuseppe Gaeta
Mathematics in Engineering, 2021, 3(2): 1-39
- The generality of transient compartmentalization and its associated error thresholds
Alex Blokhuis, Philippe Nghe, Luca Peliti and David Lacoste
Journal of Theoretical Biology 487 110110 (2020)
doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2019.110110 arXiv:1901.04753 PDF
- A case study of thermodynamic bounds for chemical kinetics
K. Proesmans, L. Peliti, and D. Lacoste
in: Katja Lindenberg, Ralf Metzler and Gleb Oshanin (Eds.)
Chemical Kinetics Beyond the Textbook (New Jersey: World Scientific, 2019)
p. 435-454 arXiv:1804.00859 PDF
- Survival of self-replicating molecules under transient compartmentalization with natural selection
Gabin Laurent, Luca Peliti and David Lacoste
Life 2019 9(4), 78 DOI: 10.3390/life9040078 PDF
- Integration of the stochastic logistic equation via symmetry analysis
G. Gaeta
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 26 454-467 (2019)
- W-symmetries of Ito stochastic differential equations
G. Gaeta
J. Math. Phys. 60 053501 (2019)
- The symmetries of octupolar
G. Gaeta and E.G. Virga
J. Elast. 135 295-350 (2019)
- Symmetry and integrability
for stochastic differential equations
G. Gaeta and C. Lunini
J. Nonlin. Math. Phys. 25 262-289 (2018)
- On Lie-point symmetries for
Ito stochastic differential equations
G. Gaeta and C. Lunini
J. Nonlin. Math. Phys., 24-51 90-102 (2017)PDF
Recent advances in symmetry of stochastic differential equations
Giuseppe Gaeta, Claudia Lunini and Francesco Spadaro
Rend. Mat. Appl. 39 293-306 (2018)
arXiv:1901.05533 PDF
- Selection dynamics in transient compartmentalization
A. Blokhuis, D. Lacoste, P. Nghe and L. Peliti
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 158101 (2018)
arXiv:1802.00208 PDF Suppl. Mat.
- Einstein's approach to Statistical Mechanics
Luca Peliti and Raúl Rechtman
in: S. Esposito (ed.):
Atti del XXXVI Convegno Annuale SISFA, Napoli 2016, (Pavia: Pavia U. P., 2017)
p. 339-346 PDF
- Symmetry of stochastic non-variational differential equations
G. Gaeta
Physics Reports 686 (2017), 1-62
DOI 10.1016/j.physrep.2017.05.005 Link
- On the geometry of twisted prolongations, and dynamical
G. Gaeta
Discr. Cont. Dyn. Syst. S 13 (2020) 1209-1227 PDF
- Random Lie-point symmetries
of stochastic differential equations
G. Gaeta and F. Spadaro
Journal of Mathematical Physics 58 (2017) 053503, Link
- Canonical transformations for
hyperhamiltonian dynamics in Euclidean spaces
G. Gaeta and M.A. Rodriguez
Journal of Geometry and Physics 113 (2017) 38-52, Link
- Octupolar order in three dimensions
G. Gaeta and E.G. Virga
The European Physical Journal E 39 (2016), 113 Link
- Structure preserving transformations in
hyperkähler Euclidean spaces
G. Gaeta and M.A. Rodriguez
Journal of Geometry and Physics 100 (2016), 33-51 Link
- Poincaré-like approach to Landau theory. I: General theory
G. Gaeta
Journal of
Mathematical Physics 56 (2015), 083504 Link
- Poincaré-like approach to Landau theory. II. Simplifying the
Landau-deGennes potential for nematic
liquid crystals
G. Gaeta
Journal of Mathematical
Physics 56 (2015), 083505 Link
- On the isotropic-biaxial phase transition in nematic liquid
G. Gaeta
EuroPhysics Letters
112 (2015), 46002 Link
- Su due obiezioni ben note al teorema H di Boltzmann (in Italian)
Paul e Tatiana Ehrenfest
Physik. Zeitschr. 8 311-314 (1907)
Translated by L. Peliti PDF
- Probabilistic Logics and the Synthesis of Reliable Organisms from Unreliable Components
J. von Neumann
in: C. Shannon and J. McCarthy (eds.)
Automata Studies (Princeton: Princeton U. P., 1956)
TeX typeset from the manuscript PDF
- Reverend Bayes On Inference Engines: A Distributed Hierarchical Approach
Judea Pearl
From: AAAI-82 Proceedings, p. 133-136
TeX typeset from the manuscript PDF